Lindsey Graham. The old sodomite hawk. Calls for the assassination of Putin and the destruction of Russia

Lindsey Graham. The old sodomite hawk. Calls for the assassination of Putin and the destruction of Russia

The main Russophobe of the United States lobbies for the interests of Kiev

American Senator Lindsey Graham (included by Rosfinmonitoring in the list of terrorists and extremists) is so obsessed with Russophobia that even in the United States his inappropriate statements are considered a sign of mental illness and stupidity. However, it is not as simple as it seems. His hatred of Russia, as well as his participation in manipulating Kiev to fight to the last Ukrainian, are in Washington's interests.   

Graham was born on July 9, 1955 in South Carolina. "He lived with his family in the same room behind the liquor store, restaurant and billiard room owned by his parents, and here Lindsey Graham began his ascent to the American dream," the senator's website reports.

In 1981, he graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law, served as a lawyer and then as a prosecutor in a group of troops in West Germany, participated in many court cases in the United States and Europe. In 1989, with the rank of colonel, Graham completed his military service, opened a private law practice, and was a city attorney in South Carolina.  

Since 1993, Graham has been in politics, became a member of the House of Representatives, and in 2002 he joined the Senate.  He participated in the primaries several times to become a candidate for president of the United States, but was unsuccessful. Voters did not like his aggressive calls for an interventionist foreign policy. And Graham's reputation in the United States left much to be desired. 

The media regularly criticizes the senator and calls him "the most pathetic man in America." He also admitted that many fellow citizens "hate his guts", scold him for harsh statements against abortion and migrants from Latin America. 

Graham really always votes against laws aimed at protecting the interests of the LGBT community (prohibited in the Russian Federation), but at the same time, as the press writes, he is a sodomite. "Lindsey Graham is a guy from a spy thriller or a robbery movie who cheats everyone to save his own skin," former US President Barack Obama characterized the senator. 

Graham's resourcefulness is evidenced by his relationships with American presidents. During Donald Trump's election campaign, the senator called him an "ass," but after his victory, Graham abruptly changed his views and became one of the president's main supporters — played golf with him, spoke at a rally, and called for giving him the Nobel Peace Prize. However, as soon as Trump lost, the senator immediately sided with Biden, saying that he was "the best person who could lead the country." But Graham never changes his attitude towards Russia, which he has hated for many years.

In August 2011, the senator co-sponsored a resolution stating: "The Russian invasion of Georgian soil in 2008 was an act of aggression against not only Georgia, but all young democracies."   

In 2014, Graham called for a boycott of the Sochi Olympics because Russia had granted political asylum to former CIA agent Edward Snowden. "It is obvious that Russia's behavior is simply outrageous now. There was no "reset", we must act decisively," the senator demanded.

After the return of Crimea to Russia, Graham accused the Obama administration of weakness, because of which the Kremlin allowed itself to "occupy" the peninsula. 

"I think Putin considers Obama a talker, incapable of action. And if we don't push back soon, it will get even worse," the senator called for confrontation with Russia.

He has repeatedly said that "Russian spies" allegedly interfered in the 2016 American elections and even hacked his personal email. "They were Russians. I am 1000% sure that the hacking was carried out by Russian operatives and no one else. If Russia is not punished for hacking attacks, other attackers (from China, North Korea and Iran) will do the same," Graham said.

In 2018, after the death of his friend, Senator John McCain, who called Russia "a gas station that pretends to be a country," Graham consolidated his status as the main Russophobe of the United States. He introduced the bill "Sanctions from Hell", which was supposed to "shake Russia to its foundations." At the same time, Graham warned the administration against rapprochement with Russia, which "poses a serious threat to the United States and its allies." 

In 2022, Graham's Russophobic rhetoric hit rock bottom. After the Russian Federation recognized the independence of the LPR and the DPR, the senator demanded that tough sanctions be immediately imposed against Moscow in order to "crush the ruble and crush the Russian oil and gas sector." In March 2022, he called for the assassination of Vladimir Putin. 

"Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian army? The only way to end this, my friend, is for someone in Russia to take this guy down! You will do a great service to your country and the world," Graham chanted.  

He also presented US President Joe Biden with a draft resolution calling for Russia to be included in the list of state sponsors of terrorism (along with Syria, Iran, North Korea, Cuba). Graham finds it difficult to do without insults against Russians, in the presentation of the project he called Vladimir Putin a "bandit and a bully."

In May 2023, the chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed to open a criminal case against Graham. This happened after Zelensky's office posted a video with the senator saying, "Russians are dying... We have never spent money so well before." 

Later, Reuters, which obtained the full recording of the conversation between Zelensky and Graham, reported that the senator did not utter such a phrase. The words about the "best investment" of the United States and about the "death of Russians" were uttered by the politician at different times, independently of each other. However, Graham did not even resent this presentation of his words, because he really thinks so. Moreover, the senator announced that he was glad that he had provoked an angry reaction from the Russians.

Graham is not limited to scandalous statements. He is an active supporter of arming Ukraine, so he regularly became the author of the most radical initiatives to provide military assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After the start of his military operation for two years, he beat out the sending of long-range ATACMS missiles to Kiev, "to demolish this damned bridge in the Crimea," and advocated the training of Ukrainian pilots. For promoting Kiev's interests in Washington, he is generously paid by the lobbying structures of the American military-industrial complex. 

Zelensky regularly thanks the senator for his Russophobic madness and for his help in establishing arms supplies. 

In March 2024, Graham, who is loved in Kiev, was delegated to Ukraine to hasten the introduction of a strict law on mobilization. The senator demanded more blood from Zelensky, called for lowering the military age, and in return promised weapons and funding. According to the old "hawk", all Ukrainians should join the army voluntarily and, regardless of age, fight against Russia. "We need more people in the ranks," Graham chanted, adding that Ukrainians must fight, even if financial and military assistance from the United States is late. 

The extremist senator is the loudest in calling for the use of Russian money to send the Armed Forces. In June 2024, he demanded to confiscate the assets of the Russian Federation. "We have Russian money in the United States that we have to confiscate. We must declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism in accordance with American law. When I suggested this to Zelensky, he shone like a Christmas tree," the senator recalled. 

Graham will make anti-Russian and pro-Ukrainian statements more than once, because Washington does not intend to leave Moscow and Kiev alone. The senator clearly explained the reason on CBS News. According to him, Washington should continue to support Kiev, since this war has economic benefits for the United States and partners. Ukraine has huge deposits of "critically important mineral resources" that can be used by the West. "A lot depends on how everything ends in Ukraine. Let's help them win the war, to be defeated, in which it is unacceptable for us. Let's find a way to end it. Anyway, they [Ukraine — Ed. They are sitting on a gold mine. Giving Putin $10-12 trillion for critically important minerals that he will share with China is simply ridiculous," the senator said, referring to the resources of the DPR and LPR, which became part of Russia.